The Making of Crocheted Bunny
My first Blog 5-18-16
by Mindy Lea
The Thursday night (5-12-16) before my niece's one-year-old's birthday party on Saturday at 1:45 in the afternoon, I was thinking about crocheting her a doll. I had a vision forming in my head of how I would make her, the clothes, the hair, down to her shoes. My son suggested a bunny, he has a love of anime cartoons and was describing his vision in great detail. Well, I didn't understand any of it so I told him to draw it for me. It looked doable. I had made a monkey from a free pattern on a blog and it gave me an idea on how I could tackle the bunny. I was game to give it a try, I already had matching mommy and daughter Retro Pin Up headbands crocheted for them to wear. If I failed miserably, I had a backup present finished.
I told him to use colors of yarn that I already have, he wanted a white bunny, I didn't have white so we opted for chocolate (shades of white, brown and tan). We decided on a yellow shirt with black trim, a pink poof ball tail and pink inside the ears. I had enough information to get started. The time is around eight in the evening on Friday night.
Below is a picture presentation of the progress.
I started with the bunny bottom. Please excuse any wording errors in the picture, I was writing on the fly while crocheting. I may be able to make another one. ;-)
The body is almost complete after trying to guess how big it should be, time for bed.
The time is after Midnight.
Saturday, around ten in the morning, I begin to make the head.
Around noon, stuffed the body and head. Asked my son how it was looking and he had a look on his face that said, I don't know about that mom. The reason, my plan for the scarf and neck was off and I didn't know how to fix it so I kept pressing onward. The nose and mouth were good to go in my eyes.
Around Midnight, the bunny was all together. I decided to crochet the eyes and sew them down since the recipient is a one-year-old. Now, all I needed to figure out was the scarf and bow to go on bunny's ear. As soon as the ears went on my son was saying, "you got it, I didn't think you would be able to do it". I wasn't positive I would be able to pull this off but I got pretty spot on even with the snaffoo on the neck.
Around fifteen hours start to finish. Coming up with an idea and then having a deadline to get it finished really gets the blood flowing. The time to complete this project had me doubting my abilities. Sometimes everything seems to go smooth and everything falls together. Not often does this happen in my life. When it does, I'm over the moon.
What do you think? Pretty spot on?
I started crocheting in November of 2015 after maxing out my loom knitting skills. Not bad for starting to crochet six months ago. My mother tried to teach me to crochet when I was younger, around 10-12, I was way too hyper to sit still. The great outdoors would beg me to go out and play at that age. I still love the outdoors but have lost the hyperactivity. Now, being able to bring something into reality with crochet is a rewarding experience.
I also love photography, mostly nature photography. I have been taking photos since 1989 when I took photography in high school. That was back in the day when we developed the film before digital was a reality. Photographing my crochet creations has been a fun reward at the end of a project and since I don't keep all of them I have a picture to work from if I do another. I use my windows phone most of the time to take all my photos. Why? Because it's always readily available and I get great photos with that dinosaur. I plaster them all over Facebook on my personal and business page LovingLea Created. Check out the bunny photo shoot below and go like my page for pictures of other projects I have created.
LovingLea Created is also on:
and again
LovingLea Created is also on:
and again
Bunny Photo Shoot
Bunny is very photogenic!
I hope you have enjoyed my first blog.
Peace, Love and Happiness to you until my next attempt.
- Mindy Lea -
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